Here's how you make coffee and (parenthetical) text.
While feather names have traditionally been created much in the same way children are named by their strongest attribute shinning at the time the Chinese earth caught that verb in its wind tunnel of a periphery...while theyve had a history of being purchased on a card sold at an amusement park store, I was fortunate enough to be born with mine...Men I Trust - Quiet ft. Odile
Formal Simplified Meaning
The generic overview, as if there were a sucha thing
My Astrological name is Viẹt Ti AínƩ 衰落 (She Speaks Yeh Ti) Viet represents the history of #Vietcong #Mom 妈妈 How does this character set translate? Ti represents her favorite overpriced drinking set #Tblond #Majka #Maitũ and Aine represents take this a step further Viet is Chinese in orgin, T (Ti)= 2T is a conjunction like and or but...Ai means amorata in Chinese with a Baltic or Swedish pronounciation but with a Spanish accent mark on the 2nd i and the ending ane tells you the moon was waning at the time you were given this the Chinese charaters mean just that an ebb and flow, a wax and wane or a dwindling. Consequently, the Africans or Pan-Nigerians can now be routed back to the front; cutting in or back in an Afro-Asiatic sub-taxonomy such as...the first e has dot under the e and the end of the name concludes with an e or Esh (Greek Esh or Greek Key) Ʃ: which may be loaned out to your older sibling: TheNathƩ, up until fairly recently had been dropped from the African reference, according to Wikipedia. Et and Ti/Teh is pronounced how? Yeh Ti and who is that? Ricki. It´s kinda complicated, so Yama will take it from here...
Its easy to take this venture forward by creating a background fpr ise pm upur webpage.
Informal Meaning
Reserved for dinner parties and interviews and so forth
Vi is for brother's competitive streak, et is for my sister's water-bearing enterprise, ti is for Mom whose name is Cheyenne, consequently Anne references MAITU and I almost forgot when the 2nd i is isolated it represents my sister Jessica whose dancer being is held captivated by the eagle..special notes:
Litter girls like the thought of feeling safety and sound ðats true, in an ideal wö rld, region but this is what I can offer you as a consolation prize now 🏰
Jessica's position is denoted by wing symbology likely to become a rune
3bird symbols have their position as relative to matrilineal organizing; Athena excluded
VI is Roman number six corresponding to immediate family members
Before waterbearing removed 3 times, we were air borers, which normally means pig but air messengers so came the phrase ¨when pigs fly¨
enne has a special character
Your name carries the entire family history and genome, so one day I'll call your name and all 4 of you will come out running
The astrolological name is reserved for day to day or conversational interaction, whereas the geneological is reserved for events like cocktail parties and interviews
The skull and crossbones affliction had already been accounted for in the 2nd half of your name lifeline...turning back on O2 deprivation just means that you were always shadowed
Raamsa and The Navy Seal are more similar and you are more like me; according to the computational output at the time you were named and the order at which clothes appeared at Goodwill tells me so.
Maitu ends the language rowing channel, which is Spanish in original prior to being under Old English law
Happy Hallows Eve or de los Muertas
Celebration, testimonial, a bearing witness to and even homage paying to 3rd generational survivorship found located; in the form of a tenure track made by real time human enaacting. While it is also true that Muerta means woman particular in the case where you have a female head of household with conditionality, if both heads of household sleep together, are married or sexually involved...then typically placement on the matrilineal line can dictate, which children call you what; otherwise you might look up and see a ghosting or the white monkey on your trails now that youve not intialized her but chaos about yourselves; and the earth will survive it and the earth will survive it.
Holy Spirit
The term playing and the Holy Spirit has been known to be tricky in the past because of a fabricated race; set to mean in the case of they can have 1 agent in the front operating and the 2nd one lets say in the back or behind the scenes so that one is out in the front and the other plays it or executes that functionality in the back area and the other carries it out even confirms that in the front.
ROTC Assignments
Lexi Hair 40 inch installation assignment on top 10 what people will sit for, what dont they mind sitting for and what shoudnt they have to sit for ;) Now you get a new generation of lets say 5-10 years old to do their first full front lace feminist model wear installment
Here´s to Flash SWF Disappearing Hopefully
This is what swf fiash files use to appear like on the had to pop the file into code and embed on your only worked when you could access the raw file itself and you had the shockwave package insalled on your computer...consequently Imma try to roll this computer back to windows 98, so wish me luck. Maybe I will, maybe I wont. Otherwise the concept of swf mightve been based on simpler subtleties, such as turning a January priority list into a computational framework and or output generating some 4d or 5d animation; best suited as a digital adornment to spruce up your page!
I wanted to let you know what you use to look like wayyy back when; you were probably too young to fully interpret yourself. While blue black hair seemed to denote a higher percetange of Black blood then (making a too dark photograph lighter created some blue effect), which you did not have so your hair was simply black. You had on a pink party dress with your little arm snuggled around the right side of my neck, which wouldve been your left. At that time, you knew me as a sibling yet it was determined youd be my offspring some day. Here is that picture with Eartha La who had probably just come back from the dentistś office with me; since my face appears swollen. Luckily, youŕe now young enough for your identity to have been spared leaving only myself plastered all over the internet but here you are...More here
If thats not enough, there was the famous fight going on between that Anna character and I dont know who? maybe one of Charlieś Angels and myself trying to fend off that trouble maker. More than likely; disbelief was escorted by you over to where we both had clothes in the townhomes on the left of racine and Taylor street (resort or Timeshare property). As the code went, at that time, I had to be seen or witnessed sitting in front of the record player for a period of time and even though you were the baby sis at the time; you were looking out for me and us just like the big sister...making you Neho; 1st Nation now. See you, then; since leaving a simulated country is the only thing that will settle the score that never was.
The Royal Birthday
While our birthday starts off being centered around the famous Chucky Cheese, it is best remembered as me hearing a Laggered (EMB) saying one of their children (TT) would start it off. A call was put through to 211 asking if I wanted to come to her birthday party. Consequently we both went to kindergarten or pre-k together, so nothing seemed completely strange just yet except her leaning in on the school picture wearing a light yellow dress, 3/4 length socks with black patent leather dress/ church shoes on being sarcastic with a little black sambo (cheese grin) in Chinese octave. We talk about about parents only to find out...she says her Mom messes with this Indian man who has uncontrollabe temper. Suspicious is hesitant but she says well...if youŕe here he wont come and bother us with us being- ruffled underwear worn by the face of hard wooden floors; the smell striking up conversation making glitter out of that same acrylic-based friction, the controlled consumption of artisan sugar and tree bark enzyme, as well as, hyperpigmented frog like knees minus the advertisement to indicate we were both, in fact, (presently not concurrently) "missing."
Needless to say, we needed a break or a reprieve from 211 so off we went into the next of kin being the open frastructure of human interaction. At this point, the guardian is introduced as Myra and we had so much fun! We woke up that morning to a luxury breakfast with orange juice size glasses, toast and everything else with the biggest revelation being that undesireables tried to one up this event by paralleling it against a new group of children introudced to me as the Robinsons being Aimee and Tai with both of them, as well as, Tracey Taylor being ass outta lucky. You were so pretty in your pink princess dress lined with gold and your little tights, as if you were a Peter Pan fill in waiting for a formal dress design to roll out; de especially for you Consequently, your name Heather was a result of the mocking of the feather comb in the colors of purple and brown by Aiti abductor but dreaming of a family still remained unpolluted so much so that people like us ie parents will sometimes put names on reserve for their children and wait to see if the youth will grown into it or have the children first and allow the name to take shape or make the necessarily adjustment but here you already are! And where exactly is here? Now you wouldve been Black by any standard at 4 years old; originating age difference between us-same number but it was deemed more logically rationale to roll your looks back to Mexican; making you a little less than your geographic actualized locality.
What else could you possibly be living for? how about life itself
Once known for 18th/26th street gang with El Rukins being the first major city street gang traceable but here is proof that I remember the Pilsen style backsplash and the restoration of honorable enterprise who hit the pavement to straight out family affairs. Most unforgettable were neighborhoods overrun by Mexican Folkore in the form of bubble text, vending trucks and corner grocery stores.
And becomes one child holds the file or record for the church of Ananda, then the other must guard the one lending to the notion of a 360 degree consecration; as opposed to anything 3 fold but and so here are those short, intermittant breadings that chain the series or program for day along indubiously; unless you are asleep...well then the cat people walk for the white wolf in a half domesticated frenzy of a phylum.
While resistant to bringing up the Bjork files, in doing so we redeem a collective body politic; no second thought necessary.
Popular chat names once maintainted by the author of this webpage include: Chocolate Bliss and Wanderlust; one of Bjork´s lesser known hits
I was once Yamma´s baby sista
Aiti calls me Buhaus; an endearing term meaning child, such as gender-impartiality who has always known life beyond finite spaces. Consequently, the h may tend to resound as the letter b and absence of a Westernized sex denotes Chinese affluency ie how well or seamlessly that H passes through the vowel cortex.
Myamaat made me an animated signature, now I must find the other one at Mckenna´s.
I remember a neighborhood called Pilsen overrun by Mexican Folkore, grafitti art and blue bubble text.
This is My Tribe represented the colors for Chinese ambition and Sweden´s loyalty, as well as, an ascending shield pattern denoted by the conquestedor de Spanish lastly; the pride of Afrikaanus being carried by the iconic hybrid. Translation: Pursuit of noting but themselves: ourselves.
My sister, I and Aiti all use the same online nic: Lina; when there is a when...
My nickname is "A Vibrant Thang" because that was a name Mom didnt like growing up; it's "shownig nig" good now!
My Bubble Witch 3 Saga looks just like this on chromebook; Yama Plays Candy Crush.
My sister is a Navy Seal but Myamaat took the photograph for her.
Mom wanted my sister and me to know what a digital prayer flag looks like; so here Kurukulla is
I just might celebrate and or observe December 6th as a birthday.
While neither of us particularly care for the word Nigger; Id rather you use it, then your Navy Seal (that word) sister and hereś why; you were once Black.
Its more than 80% likey that you came out of an Easy Bake Oven
This is how you write and pronounce that word in Chinese 海豹突击队 Hǎibào tújí duì keeping in mind Chinese is written and Vietnamese is actually spoken language.
Since I already made you a crown graphic the same as Dosha (name entered by Cat from Ypsilanti, Michigan)
Yorkshire, Church of England and Cheshire; the self of Israel/ UN