My mom is a former member of The Black Panther Party met by the criterion needed to underake a working class party; successfully heralded in Europe despite still currently hailing from the West, which once included altruist-pronounced initiatives (now called 5th wave or matriarchial feminism) ranging from women's self defense to America's early breakfast program. Additionally, functioning as labor spy operative through an "Yvonne" (possibly Elaine) auspice: Augury [See Wikipedia] at some University in the Mid-West; consequently a state over from all of the ruckus that grew from the controversial Ohio State University's Weather Underground also known to spectatorship as Mojo´s Pen-we survived. Her concurrent involvement with chairman Bobby Seale extended the longevity of the group under a new mission; yet the speculation surrounding the nature of their relationship has remained undisclosed to this day...
Consequently hermana Jessica (possibly Katherine but Chrysanthemum Samhain Snow...Iĺl have to discuss it with T) grew out of ustedes, this or that amalgamation
Her Woodstock
M/æ/a Retrograde