Resista Magazine
Unknown Circa Possibly 1987
(Publication title, subtitle, issue, volume, year etc are up for debate)

THEME 1: The Waifs and the Serfs: have been called many things through the decades including (whatś the opposite of a Cole Porter? very dangerous indeed!) but there were the Patricians and the Plebians, as well as the Bastile ie The Victorian and the Baroque (peasant and artisan ie skilled labor or street urchin and perhaps the light keepr, commoner and aristocrat ie aristocracy) who should now be introduced as a round table gathering, upon reaching new lands.
THEME 2: Here we go Round the Maypole: is extremely significant in terms of consecrating the New Nation State. If the ribbons become entangled, then imagine the flow of structural consciousness becomes a constricted bowl unable to filter or regulate the passage of nature’bbdy stream. This momentum must be practiced tirelessly or at least until the photographs are acceptable for publication. What we know is that the outward motion of ribbon is also parallel or akin to not only children, which they already are (where are those children, then?) but the sprawling out of information via trees, silica ie hair eventually lends, extends or affords a sense of what happens when bodies (ducking and dodging) move in too closely to the center gage point. Manuevership- stewartship becomes unwarranted; making suffering less than noble but a straight up falsity: you are a “Free People”yet their goal being to suppress the memory bank; embarrass or shame you into forgetting who you’ve always been.
THEME 3: The Amdo Monks: learn what happens at Auschwitz with respect to their genome tier so essentially an experimental group of 10 boys and 10 girls would represent a stable or control population of lets say 200-300. They would have on skimpy and be required to make an absolutely messy mess eating smores, while being walked along the journey of the 1930’s frequently centered around mining and or fuel research for obvious reasons ie bone blasting. You learn to make light of the past not to belittle but to chart momentum forward. As a result, they are required to keep those clothes on until they are filthy enough to be buried in an undisclosed location on Ucampusgrounds to dispel any notions of a pre-expose surrounding the paradigms employed by educators, as well as, actors and then write it up for publication.
THEME 4: Hopscotch is the ultimate game of learning how to bypss a gatekeeper or a thresold; only it ain't telemarketing, so far as children are concerned. The goal is to roll a rock for example and mark where that rock lands on the design. They must then complete the game which serves as the threshold to where they dwell or take up residence. If they cannot jump it without making a mistake then they dont let to in the house or dormitory; hence they go back to the end of the line ie boys and girls alike. The point being this is a method or strategy game not one of arbitrary proportion, when you see color scribblings just randomly placed in the streets. In a hurry, the nun jumps it for everyone so that lunch is served on time. This may or may not happen all the time but is an important "publication narrative."
THEME 5: The "Lock Out Game" (played by my girls) when under seige looks like a tier off frequency track; justify property alignment by replacing a co-efficent with a variable; doesn’t matter who or which one....making the case for Mathematics as a human biological mechanism of function. Perhaps this game would demonstrate exceptionalism; in the case of a framework modeled or re-modeled during Nazi war camp training; thus the picture should be taken as part of not only historical narrative but what happens between wowen and that is what gave legitimate cosmic heil seig rise to a Chinese through which childhood sexuality is filtered and the other keeper of their distilled sex or virginality..which..what they dont tell you is that one parent had to chaperoned way more frequently than the other, cheese so and uhm...making that guardian in charge of the highest line of sex allocating not preserving or withholding (such as moi). Eventually, generation Robinhood will be the last to truely understand it in this format and it is my girls who will carry the rumor or rumor/s back to their peers for clarity.
THEME 6: "THe Promise of Riches" introduced by our neighbor Nicole offering "Beauty and Eloquence in Fashion Forming a Stringent Value System of Belonging") a beautiful quilt with my favorite color scheme: muted (as opposed to bright), which will more than likely serve "Woodstock" and redefines this notion of "Gypsy Life is the Only Life" based on a Mighty Mouse cartoon demonstrating more than just festishization of such things but that the inception of a new Nation State is what creates character distress signals in design elements and principles, hence the items you come with are representation of life under extenuating circumstances regardless of all the imported items you see that so beautifully make the community seem larger than escape needy; conditioning real life trama survived by...what you see now standing or prostrated before you...since 1987 and even before "The Iron Curtain."
THEME 7: How to Make the Euro Snap, Crackle and Pop: You say you have 1, 2 or 4 children and when they are enough for you; they are enough. One does not pummel children against each other and await the filthy details from around some escape artist corner of a house hijacked; instead there'shave a school where all incorporate as comrades and brothers on the commune be it a church, hall or University. As a result, they become accustomed to seeing doppelanger women rotating around and after a while they learn not to spill their milk over the difference, since we are one joint body venture that relies on a pre-set organizational structure. This means the little ones learn business oratorship very early on through real life case scenario such as how to "make your own lemonade stand" and rests on principles ranging from marketing and selling to treasury and reporting.
THEME 8: Soup Kitchen is best put as an re-enactment of the hardships faced during The Great Depression, sure we are engaging that historic period now but wouldn't it be rad to see ourselves in a ditial newsletter? We get to save ob trees, while working out our creative body process! Main reason its called soup kitchen is not so much because of what you eat, as there are sandwiches and everything you may imagine but because of it's off peak hours, so with that said...first one up kicks off first meal of the day. What does that mean? Time is being adjusted and we living in between 4 calendars, so it'll take a while for that hippy life to settle into a fixed schedule that doesn't feel like its lost its paperweight of an apple.
THEME 9: Pizza with Friends is something all children anticipate after so many months nof dedicated coursework proving math proficiency, picking up after themselves and household responsibilites ranging from watering the plants to rinsing the showers etc. They´ve now earned the reward of something like a stayathomecation, which should be coming up shortly but no so squabbles about who can and cannot attend; since their brothers are their monks and their monks their cousins and the only friends they have are not only each other but are relatives. This is a photograph that Iḿ sure the newsletter itself can not wait to gorge down or wolf down the disguise of impressionalbility.
THEME 10: The Labrynith (non-organsia) was known for being a walkway with barricades filling in as some preset value telling or alerting us when to turn, shift, detour, walk and or stop to prevent from colliding but well the next generation should re-invent the wheel on automative or synchronized learning. The Ptolemy hair cut on both boys and girls would ideally be profiled for visual consumpton; one of what's presumed as rare appearance, since otherwise thought to be depreciating for monks to be openly viewable too frequently. If you remember, this is what got us into troule in the first place; being who we've always been, making the case for it and coming in for MK Ultra retrival of a genome.
THEME 11: The Trust Experiment has to re-launch! Be there or be square! and the main reason we say is because in the case of planetary emergency bodies have to be guarded, then the question becomes and why exactly should I guard this body; esepcially without knowing what that body does so here we are...the means does justify the end ending a defunct paradigm and the highest point, peak or zenith of a new sequence shall hail seig soon from a different world region, where identities arent under seige, body-weight relationships arent malfunctioning like a mix and match wardrobe or behaving oddly about space in some terrestrial landscape of a closet.
THEME 12: Death Before Dishonor: Access to Opulence by Brooke Candy was fabricated race temporarily acquired (L.V and T.B); luckily due to the atmosphere of genomic forecasting this slipage was caught in time to mend its representational mainframe. This was good news considering it would've been nearly impossible to come up for social air after the falsely stage scene surroundomg the Name ¨Fag Mob." Itś safe to say that the artist was fairly decent in her approach, mostly collecting only on what was due; thus bringing respect back to the street gangs (who frequently took to the pavement to straight out tribunal affairs ie in proper context); with consequently The El Rukins beig the first official city trial for an an organized crime, mob and or syndicate prior, of course, to Al Capone, Bonnie and Clyde, as well as, Jessie James. Now from this we can conclude that a new model should appear eventually in everyday family life through an event such as a party with the newsletter evidenting the only warning youĺl ever need to give a Son of a Bitch. Names on the table include: Fuzzy Bear, Thug Life, Thug City, Thug Passion possibly lining all the children up with a single letter to form the whole first word such as passion and 1 mermaid with the word fruit on the back of a shirt.