Woodstock Unplugged
My Brooke Stevens- Hampton Tribute Page
Woodstock, in adult terms of more than the age of drugs, sex and rocknroll; making it a time when entertainment was used to subdue neighborhoods needing to furlough community, since, educational entertainers had to "pass" through unsuspecting organizing commonly seen in a procession style funeral. What we presume is that people tend to behave better for researchers, than for subject groups; although clean up efforts should place this theory back up the scope of evaluation. An eye under the microscope of what a price we pay for becoming so this MK Ultra, not taking but taking back or retrieval of a Patty Hearst” feeds into the"Jane Doe” typology- a name commonly given to the unclaimed dead found on city streets; huh!? turns out to be translated as typically a female baby deer.
Alas! If we follow the dot on the spectrum of the Chinese phonetic code, we learn that that someone is simply unaccounted for; since meaning requires a double sequence into completion. The implications are that what you cannot perceive can, will and does play upon the psyche of the mirrors that have been removed from the person’s visual surround sound, particularly after an identity has not only been stolen but taken by usurp’ ie trauma induced learning under acute acquisition; memory cell structure been purchased much in the same way; as if an heirloom served a biological function to a family already DNA coded.
New terminology is then made up to compensate for what has never went missing only displaced. With that acknowledgement comes the day of reconciliation between the learned and the factual, as it pertains to personal experience; which has been an environmentally moderated test field for decades now (since the 1930’s). Most importantly; a reckoning of identities toggled between Ewe and neho/s concedes to a structural framework of a transnationalist making a collective-identity body politic more espionage extracted than the probity/ probate of a lost geneology or some quasi-craft; under the surname of Shrieber. Since the mind cannot sense-determine the obstacle course only the working space at hand, our task is to at least question why this is.
In all of our envisioning, we see that this what once defined us as human has been triffled under foot with the art of actualizing discarded from the gingseng waters of cubic metrics. While a seemingly blissful festival may, fỏr eãmple be placed undẻ a \"Jane\" reprentative (not to be confused ưith an operative name); such á \"The Chicago Dressed Hỏseman INC LLC making experience far mỏe localized, than transferring could’ve ever anticipated.
After inadvertantly, stumbling on one of Ibuś many online identities, the political becomes a means of supplying the efficacy of a marshalling in and counterposing the obstruction of feminism; challenging the air quality index. For many young women; unprimed, life was me caught up in a past that we needed desperately with proof (hoped for); otherwise fear of who we might not end up being in relation to this megawatt powerhouse might have sank me back to my own field goal larnyx. Fortunately; we conspired to make science deliver on the promise of the punnett square; otherwise an engineering anomaly might have meant an early ẗransnational” echo had been found. Since rehearsal was part of our diet, enough adoption videos had been rolled out, in advance to make a go; anyways! Meaning halfway there.
As a family, never big on employing words like love; her face conveys the story of how one ¨Festival of Getting Free¨ defined two individuals needing to use the crisis hotline; much in the same way of a psychedelic-3 way call-emoting. Being encumbered by an ailing faith, beady eyed little martian men of distraught concentration, school bullying as a quaint or acceptable pro-normative and the after effects of sanctioned electronic hacking; by 1 parent (with extended family) needing her child to keep needing more than the other needed her best friend and so, to see the impact in you is to know it without ^me (us).
The Brass Bed
I could not keep sent via Ms. Brooke Stevens
PS: Americaś Closing
Woodstock Expounded

Now what we are doing on the inception of Woodstock besides abandoning all chattel property ie furniture in hopes of starting or beginning a new life on a genomic settlement town, much in the same way that Jamestown life supported Lucille Ball is table logging Google Chrome codes via Chromebook. See what a Geek..could be worse could be scratching my brain over some conversations going on angelfire over the use of dots...also pertaining to email and how it is not used in a persons name so an email like angela.khan can be brokekn off and or separated out. Debate seemed never ending at that time.
Chromebook Codes in Chinese
-Screen Shot=A not Ctrl+S
-Developer Tools=D or Ctrl+Shift+l
-Download MP4 from gmail-W
-Right click and hit V to download an image
Music List
- Lauryn Hill - Guarding The Gates (Queen & Slim) *Lyric Video*
- Lemon & Herb Ft. Soulstar - NQO (Club Mix)
- Roxanne, Roxanne
- You Aint Nobody by Kool Rock Steady
- Angelo & Da Mike-Way Out
- Are You Going With me by Pat Methany
- Let’s Jack it All Night Long
- DJ Angelo and Da Mike- Way Out
- Brooke Candy Dat’s me and We Get it on Where We Live