Squaw Talk on the Real
Tone and Diction in the Age of Challenged Syntax
Listen Up or Listen Out for Point of Inquiry...
Butt is to Merely as Glutteus is to Maximus
- My Newphew Ramsa I, Dillon, Junior> Community Outreach Educator, John, Ramsa on the Real V
- You are 2nd boy ie II
- I let you here
- You have no carnaging, squawking or groveling power
- Truth extractor; did you just spill your tea? ie you
- Ceremonial endearing term
- Sit with me; informal
- Airing something Aiti doesn´t appreciate
- Squaw! Reprimanding; You cannot call me Cheyenne; since no veer [vee aire. conjugated verb] Xian, let alone eligible for children
- ¨but Mother¨/but Squaw; since you don´t have a merely ass or glutteus maximus
- Yama can boss me around without a tax deduction
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