The Mind-Body Complex
Dangers of Anecdotal Relavit-ism
Side Notes:
The dangers in past or succession- observing something like a narrative you dont want; unqualified, so this sub-heading may now possibily replace the ole ¨An Executive Briefing¨ ie find another legislative branch and plug it in perhaps. The idea of an executive briefly has long since beeen played da fuckkk out so; almost as much as the notion of playing the race card as a theme, colloquialism and or otherwise.
here late...using a 4 model system of philophical proofreading to bench mark the chain of events in an evolution state of species development; known as merpeople who otherwise wouldhave labeled as ¨Urban Legal"with decries or debauchery of science with an obstructructed politic held victim by its faith as a Catholic or Asiatic Jew...why there is a 4 model that if one cannot reach or dial into truth through one mechanism, there are 3 no more bashing upside the head of monotheism or 1 truth vs multiple truths...4 corridors lead to the same final entry report at end of is not a crippler....
Playing the Existential Autotune
Firstly, an "ism" has chiefly been used to denote an "itis" or a social allergizing unwanted ie something that needs to be warded, social riddances: arbitrarity contrived yet fended or fenced off/ from to prevent spread consequently under Spanish influence it stands as is because the planet has acclimated to these philosophical terms expounded. Secondly, one must interject the culture of a contextualized framework using personal experience to extract from. Let's say, for example that there is a wager placed on your life or worse! your body organ such as a kidney or heart...In the event of an organ collapse, shall your pain be relative to? that localizing, generalizing or will it threaten to collapse a genome of heredity? There is no this is better or worse than that or hierarchy, lets say for example a heart trip wire, no hierarchy in a brain an·eu·rysm a nd there is no relativity or hierarchy in suffering ie degrees beyond the normal human threshold, then nor shall they claim a mascot for tricking the wire on; a joint party ventures; otherwise what I hear is ¨gone lay down my burden down by the riverside"as passerby pretend to offer up gifts made into a clearing space for unsciounable action before a Goddess (leveraging the wrong or Laggert side by a Kumari pre-destined to clear certainly not dis-accountability in the form of rape, pillage and plunder). The tell tale sign no longer falls to a single family unit but now a cluster unit surrounding so that old square dance middle cosequently gets larger; making the notion that people keep going into and God and he just keeps getting bigger not a misnomer but antiquated thought ideology. Thirdly, this spectrum gaging term is dangerous because it can be intepreted as an escape clause; it's not really that bad. What you complain about somebody would love to have; discrediting the speaker-enabled experience body of knowing...what one knows to be true not a 2nd party exclusitory; hence one ceases to be the authoritarian of their account, in turn, threatens what philosophers have always achieve closure with epistemiologically and ontologically speaking...we we assume or believe to have ignited the the powerlines of inquiry deemed promising and what the memory cell blood count of electricity has proven through a few decades now. Consequently ist implies, suggests or denotes that the author has taken a position or in our case here recognizes all 4 methods as the ultimate truth tenets while terms like tautology, truth table, superfluixity, superlaxive, data/datum.
Also known as the Mind Consciousness System-The way that the brain organizes information typically falls into 4 categories. One does not select a paradigm but bumps into it and lives to tell about, since the Universe is based on the Martha Nussbaum/ Ayn Rand principle of a "benevolent" universe...carried over...there must be enough scholarly examples to secure the adhesive pictoral to the perimeter mode or range being exchange pro-rated we go
Maria Jean Chin
*Using the short lived mini TV series ¨MY Brother and Me,¨ as the visuage of 3 photographs to illustrate 4 methods for carrying oneś burden of proof or making the case for it.

1. The neo-realist model believes that reality is external therefore it can be modeled ie un-self contained, pulled out of its normally habiting zone of belonging (at this juncture 1 twin is Black and the other twin is White; hence under the dictates of social laws and functioning with at least 1 other able body for example. You'll notice that the school lunch room is being recreated in a manner of speaking and space itself becomes a metaphor for a miliarized zone under or in the form of an actor set or a citadel where children learn. Now, in the past, the testimonial narrative might have rep. While being nder the influences of philosophers, historians (cultural historial) ie feminist studies, social scientists ie ethno-botanists and monks ranging from Sri Yukteswar (Íḿ heaing Tess War back to the problem with language but uh...Sri Yuktesgiri) to Angela Davis, as well as, Terrence McKenna and Michael Foucault known for his work in panopticon study(self-autonomous or self regulating society that requires no lock-stock and barrel to remain task-attentive to not the subjective self but the projecting of instruction-demand onto an objective need or requirement. While in the past the model implied that one does not creae reality but simply bumps into it falling into some realm of race, class, gender and or social class; under the social navigation treading alien space ship waters heading into a new settlement town; ceases to be in the previous gallows or gallows known on this planet of a cross-sectional earth realm broken off from 6 other ¨diaspora continents¨ *This is huge, so take it into tribual for a changed context of study.
2. The social constructivist model rests on the unpremise but tenet that in the case of a genome, there is no such a thing as a first hand account since there is a community on standby, since you speak to a collective experience with a body politic represented. Now what we can say is that each narrative is supported by and rests on a culturally distinct frontier overseen by a 13 tribe nation. Take the same graphic above consider how many individuals it took to fuel their survival ie somebody had to make the lunch, somebody had to dress them, somebody had to make sure that these children were save going to and from school. Additionally, this model has nestled on the bosom or premise of direct experience, so you work to create a society where firstly; children trust the speaker and or the it notn enough to question what may lurk at odd hours outside your home? now must we or shall we question what dwells not on the inside of a dwelling space but within ourselves? I think not. In case of letś say Heather, if I tell you I am Aiti, then need for further inquiry has been would be impossible for her to lunge forward with more questions, such as prove it or show me some paper (the notion of a birth certificate a certificate not even a term like paperwork pre-genome state meaning it requires updating), since her life is not some totalitarian manifestation of a trade-challenged knowing...she can track or trace me through this thing known as the matrix including what Iḿ doing , how Iḿ doing it and how long Ive been there (a modest instance oof how or why a child might be required to know minimal skill set level of how their parents experience sex or coitus/coipus and also for the sake of ethereal-envisioning their own body parts...luckily for me too the videos have already hit youtube, which consequently Stargeant may not want them looking or at least knowing the information in a certain format...) hencce the automizing self fullfiled prophecy of a society its own gaiaic-rite.
3. The positivist model does not rest on the premise but the tenet that the world iself is a grand ole lavoratory and without it inquiry cannot be measured through a unit of measurement known as data or datum, for without it truth is un or indeterminable (fortunately the collage above demonstrates the power; I didnt see the end all or be all but the power of 3). Not even a vertitable branch of military testing usage phase prior to releasing implementation into the hands of newly constructed office spaces could save, spare and or deliver us from this understanding, yet fulfulls its purpose in speaking to the way in which branches of specific braches such as the Navy once measured target ranges though the use of a launch or trajectory missile to estimate the distance between the starting poing and the tapering or cooling down or dimishing point. The question, then became or becomes what happens in the middle? Consequently, epistemiologically and ontologically had already pre-figured out the longevity of design based structure/s. What empirical evidence, empirical watch study ie ¨The Empirical Vacuum¨ teaches is that hard science, soft science, math and United Kingdom English are not mutually exclusive because without United Kingdom English (ususally abbrieviated as an indepedent subject heading), there is no math querie; since there is no language medium through which to communicate the exchange rate in system...not have ...through which to determine, estimate or seek a computational value and that rate...this knowing would make usuage its own language...contingent upon the nation-state (where you lived spoke to language composition).
4. The naturalist model uphods the what you see is what you get principle, which means there is nothing more than what meets the eye; hidden, so nothing ommitted, no secrets ommitted, no illusory surprises, no hidden secrets on tacit ones; alread implicit within a pre-established cultural known prior to Luxemburg or Luxembourg B.C; waiting to meet you like little truffle hoaders using some high price baited to secure itś own self from a quite voluntary extinction; rememer, this is exactly what you signed up for! Make no mistake about it; it being the scholarś lair, when in actually systems of advancement or an advance science race did not, does not and shall not/ never have or maintain a denomination, as what had been proposed up until dis here point. It wouldn be completely illogical for creation to temporarily conceed to ¨the translators of nature¨...lets for example say that there originates a photograph on the wall and you need a 3am wake up call; a reminder: you that have descended from the bare element of a nitrous phosphate (fertiilzer), then something commesurate would be reinstalled into that space such as a museum quality indoor wall garden signaling a port to the natural world beyond the seeming finite encasement/enclosure space (growing smaller, so you dont outgrow the room, the room outgrows you) that only superficially houses all you´ve ever been as a collective substrate of thinking, knowing, feeling, tasting, touching, smelling and or perceiving; entity-ungrossed. Put this same principle into the context of noteplad ++ or any other html editor.
An Adaptive Learning Complex or Complexity
A Recap:
There are 4 means for probing, reaching or arriving at a conclusion; otherwise known as a conduit through which search inquiries are filtered, channeled, queired or finite studied …
Field type experimentation such as Amazonian rainforest or in popular culture through television or academic style formal or informal groups such as the Society for Creative Acronyms to accurately reflect the nature of history lending to notion continuous acquisition of knowledge. Most importantly, group participation contingent upon a single facilitator of information; thus learning doesnt stop simply because one exits the classroom. Most importantly the earliest files are typically held or maintaied by museum curatorship, digital film and books making the casting call for perfection already a novelty; already filled.
Personal experience comes up a few notches through the updating of a genome; thus barring first hand testimonial and or experience; since there is a museum/s that chart the trajectory or pathway through evolution trend, upstaging and concurrent waging.Over time this became culturally encumbered by grandiousity which easily weighed down a transnational campaign now pigeonholed through nebulously defined terms such as race, class and gender making political punching bags out of good ole Irish Catholic pundits that early on a Sunday morning, for example.
Chemical or biological process occurring in laboratory, lavoratory or science lab at an Ivy League U, so the reliance on data analysis or datum is imperative while paying less attention to religion as incompatible or incongruitous with discovery (not dismiss-warranted); unless in the case usuage of what is known as biblical archaeology. Without it there is no gauge to trust and by the scientific mind it simple isnt; discrediting religion...stating only it has no applicability to this particular model. This not a contradictory or a willful juxtaposition; only there have to a reasonable number of modalities through study can occur, play up and expound up ie a foothold in the doorway of philosophical existential-ing; not some unresolvable exploit parameter with a postal code of 000000.
If there is no port to a natural world, such as a viewing window, then how does one know that there is an error reading which may allude to entrapment or ensnarement? (errors in the html file) So there is nothing more to the hence; best demonstrated in the world of web design with the What You See is What You Get Model or (WYSIWYG). Surely ones’ entire subsistence cannot be an indoor space become more and more developmentally challenged, less that already survival is being pulled along by captor or abductor; undetected.
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