Welcome to my Website!

This is a paragraph! Here's how you make a link: Neocities.

Here's how you can make bold and italic text.

My Lessons:
1. Programming: Accessing html developer tools for viewing through The power of an F12 function in Chinese
2. Language Studies: Calling for Aiti via Mneumonic Aptituding in Language Studies
3. PC Operating Systems: Windows 98, Chrome and Linux so Whatś the Difference?
4. Online Correspondance: My First Email Account at Yahoo! Here´s mine, now screenshot yours; which is ctrl + some equivalent to F5 on mine
5. Practice writing your sister´s name using virtual Kanji
6. Squaw Talk: on the Real
7. Convert an email account, such as gmail into another language. I chose Chinese; Tradiditional or Pinyin are usually the options we select from
8. How I managed finding the Penguin Directory Prompt for Linux/ Linus is anybody´s guess but we did
9. This is what it looks like when the Language and Country is changed on YouTube. Now, together letś nosey around what your chanel at (blank) look like too!
10. Math,and Arts Oh My! Living the Outdoor Life

To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!